Welcome to our current main project - Peyaya Community Clinic

Peyaya Community Clinic is our most ambitious project. This project is going to take the longest time to accomplish but when it is done, we are positive it will be the most beneficial to the entire community and surrounding areas. The clinic is dedicated specifically in honor of the late John Mumbi Mubanga, who dedicated his entire life to a better healthcare system in Zambia. He devoted his entire career as a civil servant in the Ministry of Health – Zambia. The entire site or land all our projects being done in Malashi, Mpika  has been donated to this foundation in good faith by his family and we in return will strive to develop it for the benefit of the entire community. We are very grateful for this generous donation and would like to thank the entire family.

The Vision

To construct and fully equip a modern clinic in the community. The clinic will be staffed with the following local personnel who will be provided by the Ministry of Health – Zambia. We also plan to collaborating with the MOH – Zambia regarding other specific Medical and Pharmaceutical supplies for the day to day running of the Clinic.

  1. One GP Physician – This may be challenging, alternatively a Physician Assistance or equivalent personnel.
  2. Two or three Nurses depending on the community size and needs.
  3. Two Nursing Assistants.
  4. One lab Technician.
  5. One Office Manager.
  6. One Secretary.
  7. One Housekeeping.
  8. One Transport or Driver.
  9. One Maintenance.

Periodically, we will be sending volunteering specialists and other healthcare staff. We hope to attract the best among specialists both locally and internationally by offering them modern equipment and a favorable rural practicing environment. This is open to whomever is willing to have a very rural setting experience and have personal time to offer their talent – pro bono. We realize that this is a lot to ask but are confident that there are a lot of willing doctors, nurses, medical students and healthcare personnel who will find this fitting. In most instances we will offer travel and living expenses for the time offered depending on the availability of sponsorship and our resources.

We have created an annual scheduling and signing up platform which is open to willing personnel right now. Please visit the volunteer page for more information on how you can sign up if you are interested.

Building and Construction Plan

The building plans are scheduled to be done in four phases. We plan on beginning operations of the clinic when phase one is fully complete. The remaining three sections would be add-on’s as funds and targets are met and resources are made available. That said, the target for phase 1 construction has since been met. We believe that we can be fully operational with one wing complete. Honestly, we have to start after one section is complete since the community’s health needs are ongoing.

Fundraising and budget

The estimated budget provided here and funds raised for the project will be updated  quarterly. We have estimated each phase to cost $20,000. We would like to thank all the sponsors who have donated so far and also all the personal that are signing up for the cause.

Total Construction Budget for 4 phases … $80,000 (Estimate)

Please note that this is just an estimate, any funds raised for this specific project will go only to this project. If more funds are raised, future extensions will be funded by these funds.

Amount Raised to date ………………. $101,535 ( as of April 2023)

Immediate Goal

The goal right now is to start the construction of the clinic as soon as construction of the well is fully complete and safe drinking water is available to the community. The well will also be a source of water for the clinic construction work. Update on the funds raised and utilized for this specific project are provided here and on specific pages.

Mpika council approved floor plan

Clinic construction timeline: Started on 03/29/2022



Short construction videos

Short videos April 12th 2023

041623 Construction progress A

041623 Construction progress B