Meet Chileshe, a young lady who survived and supported her family on small scale farming of seasonal onions by the stream miles away from her house. She wanted a better and different life just like everybody else but did not know how. In mid 2020, She approached us with an idea of a larger chicken run. In the past she attempted the idea but the challenge was an actual building to rear the chickens. We found out that she demarcated her house lived and reared chickens in that same small house.

This was a health hazard and business had no room for expansion to the level of sustaining itself. The foundation helped her by building a separate chicken- run farm right in her very yard. This not only provided a means of income for her but also provided poultry as a source of food.

Her life changed for the better. Today, Chileshe is a happy small scale entrepreneur and she provides to the community. We initiated this small project as a pilot study to learn more about the possibilities of empowering more such families. The goal is to try and make them a lot more self-reliant.

She is doing so well and her small business is now self-sustaining. We are all cheering for her success!

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